Main Street, East Hartford New Traffic Pattern Begins 3/30/2021

Posted on March 24, 2021

Beginning Tuesday night, March 30, there will be a new traffic pattern on Main Street in East Hartford, maintaining two lanes of traffic in each direction, to allow for continued construction to widen the Main Street Bridge.  There will be temporary shoring towers and crane mats, protected by temporary concrete barrier, on the east and west sides of Main Street, as well as in the median.

The sidewalk on the eastern side under the bridge will be closed, and a pedestrian detour route will be clearly marked to direct pedestrians to the western side of the road. This new traffic pattern is anticipated to be in effect until Thanksgiving time, 2021.

The start date for this new pattern will be posted, once scheduled.
New traffic pattern on Main Street for 2021 construction season

New traffic pattern on Main Street for 2021 construction season

Pedestrian detour Route on Main Street for 2021 construction season